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Is interest in antique Dodge cars a dead issue?
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Author:  JackBennett [ Fri Sep 29, 2023 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Is interest in antique Dodge cars a dead issue?

I logged in to the Dodge Brothers Club forum today to check for answers to my request for information on a contemplated purchase of an antique Fargo panel truck.
To my dismay, there was not only zero replies to my request, I was the single registered user, along with nine guests, logged in to view the forum.
I am well aware that many of the members of the Dodge Brothers Club forum both read, and post information on Dodge vehicles through use of the AACA link to the MOPAR section of their forum.
Why is this?
I pay a membership dues to communicate with Dodge owners and collectors, and when I log in with a Dodge related question, it would be nice to have it answers by a person who also pays dues to a Dodge dedicated club.
My renewal to the Dodge Brothers Club is resting comfortably in my “unpaid bills” folder, and perhaps, I should just allow my free veterans membership in the AACA to continue, and leave the Dodge Brothers Club alone and allow it to die a peaceful death.
I fully realize this is a negative post, and may be considered overly critical of the Dodge Brothers Club forum, and, accordingly, I welcome any responses criticizing, or rebutting these observations.
But, for apparent reasons I don’t expect to spend a lot of time answering any.

Author:  DavidYoung [ Sat Sep 30, 2023 3:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is interest in antique Dodge cars a dead issue?

JackBennett wrote:
I logged in to the Dodge Brothers Club forum today to check for answers to my request for information on a contemplated purchase of an antique Fargo panel truck.
To my dismay, there was not only zero replies to my request, I was the single registered user, along with nine guests, logged in to view the forum.
I am well aware that many of the members of the Dodge Brothers Club forum both read, and post information on Dodge vehicles through use of the AACA link to the MOPAR section of their forum.
Why is this?

Hi Jack,

Some of us have the same concerns and hope to see the site gain more traffic in turn creating faster response times. Here are a few things to respectfully keep in mind.

Our Dodge Brothers site is operated by volunteers who don't necessarily have a web design background and are doing the best they can.

Because of this, I believe most find it hard to use this site while posting photos and would rather visit the AACA or other sites with different features.

Some of us simply would rather use other avenues while trying to find timely answers because the audience is more vast on other sites. Question is, how do we increase the audience on this site? I personally think we increase it with smoother functionality. THIS IS NOT A CRITICISM of the volunteers, I know they are doing the best they can and I for one appreciate it, however these are some of the factors that might be effecting response times. Regardless the reasons why, I've learned that patience is a must when wanting responses on any site I visit.

Regarding the Fargo truck:
Those that do visit this site daily know very little about Fargo trucks and cannot help so we simply don't respond. I've shared with you what I know about Fargo on the AACA in posts and in PM regarding the Fargo Packet you're looking at purchasing, so I thought it redundant to discuss on this site.

Just be patient. That truck is so rare, it will take time to find the answers.

Author:  JackBennett [ Sat Sep 30, 2023 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is interest in antique Dodge cars a dead issue?

Thanks for your comment Dave.
I totally understand, and can appreciate every statement you’ve made, including the fact that the DB Club site is maintained by volunteers.
This is all good, and I hope it is understood that the drift of my post was a statement of the fact that I do own an antique Dodge, and I do wish to communicate with others who share that interest.
In the absence of research on the other car clubs to which I belong, namely WOKR and the Ford 8N tractor Club, I cannot officially compare member participation and quality of information they exchange with any other similar clubs.
I do see though that the first post on the DB Club discussion format is dated from 2021, and still has not posted a single reply.
A comparison I will make here is to the posts I have made on the AACA site, each a week or less old, an on one I have more than 3K views posted and at least 87 replies.
My comparison here is that I made a post to the DB Club site, which was purposefully of a negative nature to the site/hobby, and you were the single, aka….only, respondent.
The reference to the Fargo panel truck was a stimulant to the minds of any history oriented Dodge/Plymouth/Chrysler owners who remembers that the Dodge Brothers car company was sold to Chrysler Corp. in 1928, and the only two years this particular truck was made, it was in Canada and was marketed under the badge “Fargo” because Dodge Brothers had signed a agreement that they would not manufacture a truck for seven years.
So, that was posed simply as a stimulant for some Dodge buff, who does not particularly care to discuss ignition points gap or Detroit Oiler carburetors to offer a reply, and still remain non-mechanically committed to argument.

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