President's Message

President’s Message Jan-Feb 2025

As Yogi Berra once said, “It’s like déjà vu all over again”, so here we go again.  I hope that I did not bore everyone the last time I was president.  I’ll try to do better this time but, in all reality, we have a very unique club.  Our Dodge brothers were a powerhouse in the early days of the automobile industry.  From humble beginnings the brothers worked hard and really made a name for themselves even before they started their own car company.  Did you know that at one time John Dodge was the vice president of the Ford Motor Car Company?  The Dodge brothers didn’t start making automobiles until 1914.  They both died in 1920 and their name lives on.  Our club is only for years 1914-1938 and only for Dodge Brothers motor vehicles and Graham Brothers commercial vehicles.  No other automobile club can boast two vehicle marques and a limited number of years in that time period.  This is what makes us unique; the vehicles, the brothers (Dodge and Graham) and the members of this club that keep their name and vehicles operating and show ready.

At the annual dinner in Hershey, I said that the club should bring three ships to light.  One is friendship.  There are many friendships that can be forged on several front.  I leave that up to you.  Second is membership.  Each and every member is on the membership committee and should seek out new members in your sphere of influence.  Third is leadership.  This club has had great leadership through the years, but some of those leaders are aging out.  We need the next generation of leaders to step up and take your club to a higher level with fresh and new ideas.

The club only meets two times a year; at Hershey and at our annual meeting.  Since we are brothers and sisters, I think it may be a good idea to change the name of the annual meeting to a reunion.  What do you think?  The 2025 Meet (reunion) starts June 8 and runs through June 13 in Berlin, Ohio.  Please plan to attend.  I will have to discuss with you in future President’s Messages; but if you need to know more, go to

It is getting cold here in the northern hemisphere so maybe you will be working on your cars for Ohio.  Our members in the southern hemisphere will be doing their tours and showing.  I am looking forward to seeing their posts on Facebook and articles for our Dodge Brothers Club News.  We have an editor, but all editors must have reporters, and we are all her reporters.  So, keep writing.

Earl Groendyke,

Dodge Brothers Club President